Two Year Plan
Graduate High School...
Get good grades
Get at least a 3.0 gpa
Pass all of my state tests
Study for big test
Have good attendance
Stay focued and organized
Get a job...
Work Experience
Look for jobs that benefit the career I'm interested in for my future
Apply for jobs that i know will help me in the future
Get a good score on my ACT...
Take a practice ACT
Get the proper study tools
Ask guidance about the ACT
The cost of the ACT
The date of the ACT
Put the ACT date on my calender
Go To College...
Good grades/attendance
Visit colleges
Find colleges that offer the career that I'm interested in
Sign up for multiple colleges
Look what different colleges have to offer
Research reviews about colleges in my interest
Get my drivers license...
Get the proper study tools
Study as much as I can, for as long as I can
Pass my temp test